I liked this biography far less than that of Jan Swafford. I found it a bit dry in style and sometimes bogged down in musical scores. It is highly revered I believe but for the non-musician, it is not always easy to follow or fun to read. I did not find that it provided me more insight than Swafford had so enjoyed reading it far less.
Feb 09, 2012 Aleesa rated it it was amazing
I am obsessed with Beethoven for reasons I don't fully understand. I'm not musically inclined and I didn't develop a love for classical music until later in life. But Beethoven's music moves me deeply and I decided I had to know the man behind it.
This book brought him to life for me. For those who are not obsessed, it would seem boring, but to me, it was like gaining deeper knowledge of someone I already love. A bit like reading a grandmother's diary, only far more disturbing. It brought him do I am obsessed with Beethoven for reasons I don't fully understand. I'm not musically inclined and I didn't develop a love for classical music until later in life. But Beethoven's music moves me deeply and I decided I had to know the man behind it.
This book brought him to life for me. For those who are not obsessed, it would seem boring, but to me, it was like gaining deeper knowledge of someone I already love. A bit like reading a grandmother's diary, only far more disturbing. It brought him down off the pedestal on which I had placed him and made me see him as the deeply flawed, but fascinating human being he was. I love him all the more for being a bit mad, thoroughly selfish, narcissistic and, well, hard to love. His music is all the more beautiful because it flowed from a vessel so broken. ...more
Note: My first online review, posted on Amazon, September 11, 2000. I have been revisiting my Beethoven reviews for the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the composer's birth.The Immortal Composer
This is the second edition of Solomon's biography of Beethoven and it is an improvement in terms of both analysis and lucidity.
The book is written from a psychoanalytic point of view that all may not find convincing. However, the rudiments of Mr. Solomon's analysis, in terms of tracing Beethoven
Note: My first online review, posted on Amazon, September 11, 2000. I have been revisiting my Beethoven reviews for the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the composer's birth.The Immortal Composer
This is the second edition of Solomon's biography of Beethoven and it is an improvement in terms of both analysis and lucidity.
The book is written from a psychoanalytic point of view that all may not find convincing. However, the rudiments of Mr. Solomon's analysis, in terms of tracing Beethoven's life problems, his difficulties with women, with peers, and with himself to his childhood experiences probably transcends any specific psychological dogma and is insightful.
The book is a biography rather than an attempt at technical musical analysis. Even so, it elucidates the music well and with an obvious love for it. I found the discussion of Beethoven's final period works, and of his sometimes neglected vocal writings, particularly good.
The sections on Beethoven's relationship with Haydn, on his testament written upon the discovery of his impending deafness on the immortal beloved, and on his relationship with his nephew are all thoughtful and helped me better understand Beethoven.
A wonderful book for anybody who loves this composer or wants to learn more about why other people love him.
Aug 21, 2015 Michael Barry rated it really liked it
If you wish to preserve your view of Beethoven, the genius who lived a perfect - trouble free life, do not read this book.The struggle .... Was real.
I'd give this biography 3 and a half stars for it's insight into Beethoven's behavior and character. Beethoven was a musical genius. He has an important role in classicism and romanticism in Germany. His music is revolutionary. I like Beethoven's late string quartets and his piano concertos. The composer was a very interesting character. I'd give this biography 3 and a half stars for it's insight into Beethoven's behavior and character. Beethoven was a musical genius. He has an important role in classicism and romanticism in Germany. His music is revolutionary. I like Beethoven's late string quartets and his piano concertos. The composer was a very interesting character. ...more
One of the best biographies of a musician ever written. Solomon's solution of the "Immortal Beloved" puzzle is a brilliant piece of detective work. One of the best biographies of a musician ever written. Solomon's solution of the "Immortal Beloved" puzzle is a brilliant piece of detective work. ...more
May 02, 2021 Albert rated it really liked it
Scholarly presentation, including a careful unwinding of the immortal beloved mystery, but the alternating presentation of "the life" and "the music" disintegrates the biography somewhat. Scholarly presentation, including a careful unwinding of the immortal beloved mystery, but the alternating presentation of "the life" and "the music" disintegrates the biography somewhat. ...more
Firstly an admission, I have no prior knowledge of Beethoven other than I enjoy listening to his music. That said I enjoyed this book although I had problems getting around some of the technical details in regards to his music. I bought this book some time ago but only got around to reading it after watching the video `Immortal Beloved'. This book answered a number of questions for me and certainly provided a deep and interesting look at the man behind the music I love so much. The author has br Firstly an admission, I have no prior knowledge of Beethoven other than I enjoy listening to his music. That said I enjoyed this book although I had problems getting around some of the technical details in regards to his music. I bought this book some time ago but only got around to reading it after watching the video `Immortal Beloved'. This book answered a number of questions for me and certainly provided a deep and interesting look at the man behind the music I love so much. The author has broken the book into four sections covering the life of Beethoven. At the end of each section he describes the music that Beethoven composed during those periods of his life (`Bonn', `Vienna: Early Years', `The Heroic Period' & `The Final Phase'). I found this worked well although like I stated early my education in regards to music appreciation was some-what lacking and I found parts of the book describing Beethoven's music beyond me. I am sure if you want to learn about the genius that was Beethoven this book should satisfy you and if you have some understanding of music and music composition you will enjoy those sections of the book dealing with his works. ...more
This is about as complete a biography of Beethoven as you are going to get. Unless you have a degree in music some of it will probably go in one ear and out the other, but that's not the end of the world. (Honestly, though, it did get boring at times.) The author offers up a plethora of information, much of which would have been better left to the end notes. A note for non-historians here: writing a historical work does not mean that every date and name must be included in the text - oh hell no. This is about as complete a biography of Beethoven as you are going to get. Unless you have a degree in music some of it will probably go in one ear and out the other, but that's not the end of the world. (Honestly, though, it did get boring at times.) The author offers up a plethora of information, much of which would have been better left to the end notes. A note for non-historians here: writing a historical work does not mean that every date and name must be included in the text - oh hell no. The book was originally written in 1977, so perhaps...PERHAPS...the dreadful forays into psychoanalytical history could be forgiven. However, when the author revised the book in 1998 he should have cut, hacked, and slashed out what he could. Then again, he may have felt that it was too entwined in the text, like a malignant tumor wrapped around the body's nervous system. Heaven forbid that he did not recognize how outmoded the genre has become. And for good reason. I'm not against speculation, per se, but please, please, put down the Freudian analysis, back way slowly, and no one gets hurt.
This thorough and probing biography of Beethoven was fascinating from beginning to end. Solomon takes on both the facts of Beethoven's life and a deep, thoughtful analysis of the composer's psyche, artistic life, and socio-political context. he takes on both the inner and outer forces in Beethoven's life and thus succeeds in presenting a complex and finely nuanced portrait of the composer as a full person rather than the great, misunderstood artist of myth and legend. Solomon definitely does not This thorough and probing biography of Beethoven was fascinating from beginning to end. Solomon takes on both the facts of Beethoven's life and a deep, thoughtful analysis of the composer's psyche, artistic life, and socio-political context. he takes on both the inner and outer forces in Beethoven's life and thus succeeds in presenting a complex and finely nuanced portrait of the composer as a full person rather than the great, misunderstood artist of myth and legend. Solomon definitely does not back away from Beethoven's less attractive attributes or even from his mental and emotional problems. Luckily, it's all discussed with great sympathy and no sensationalism. I could have wished for a little more analysis of the music and a little less analysis of the man and his psychology, but it was all so illuminating and interesting that I still found this book immensely satisfying. ...more
Lots of psychoanalysis. I'm sure some of Solomon's Freudian conclusions are debatable, but he did a good (or appeared to a good) job of giving plenty of support for them, and it made the book very fascinating and quick to read. Solomon also is not the most "objective" author (refering to Beethoven as "Vienna's greatest composer" several times, just as a small example), but show me an objective biography and I'll show you a perfect circle. This book just drove home the point that an artist's psyc Lots of psychoanalysis. I'm sure some of Solomon's Freudian conclusions are debatable, but he did a good (or appeared to a good) job of giving plenty of support for them, and it made the book very fascinating and quick to read. Solomon also is not the most "objective" author (refering to Beethoven as "Vienna's greatest composer" several times, just as a small example), but show me an objective biography and I'll show you a perfect circle. This book just drove home the point that an artist's psychological struggles/abnormalities are a necesscery part of their creative genius. Look at Schumann, or van Gogh, or Bob Ross ...more
I read this for a class years and years ago (circa 1995). I found the Freudian analysis profound at the time, but as a professional musicologist I am less convinced by some of the author's claims. Nevertheless, my grandmother, who was a Jungian psychotherapist, borrowed this book and used it to put herself to sleep each night during the last years of her life, so the book is more useful than merely as a paperweight, doorstop, or monitor stand. I read this for a class years and years ago (circa 1995). I found the Freudian analysis profound at the time, but as a professional musicologist I am less convinced by some of the author's claims. Nevertheless, my grandmother, who was a Jungian psychotherapist, borrowed this book and used it to put herself to sleep each night during the last years of her life, so the book is more useful than merely as a paperweight, doorstop, or monitor stand. ...more
Obviously I forgot just about everything in this book between the first time I read it and the second time. I like the drive and quiet of this composer. I first discovered the music in college when I worked on my recital and picked the only sonata I knew: the Moonlight, op. 27 no. 2. I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into, but I learned it. At my recital my teacher said I made playing it look easy. At the time it wasn't easy learning it. Thirty years distant if I were to pick this up Obviously I forgot just about everything in this book between the first time I read it and the second time. I like the drive and quiet of this composer. I first discovered the music in college when I worked on my recital and picked the only sonata I knew: the Moonlight, op. 27 no. 2. I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into, but I learned it. At my recital my teacher said I made playing it look easy. At the time it wasn't easy learning it. Thirty years distant if I were to pick this up again it would be much easier, not because I'm especially limber of hand but because I understand the chord structure and how the melodies relate to each other. I have a liberal arts degree in music which covers theory, history and some performance. I play piano amaturely for two churches and spend time practicing. I still work on fingering and I'll pick up this sonata again to work on fingering. As a result when it comes to the musical portions of this book I understand them much better now because I've become more familiar with the symphonies and sonatas. My weaknesses lie with the quartets, trios and incidental music. What I had forgotten most was the life and complications. I forgot how restless and jealous and intrusive he was, at least in the presentation of Solomon. Solomon goes out of his way to clear his name of any assumptions by explaining the veracity of lack of it on the part of the sources. I suppose it is hard two hundred and fifty plus years after a birth to rightly place ones circumstances. I can't help but think about how the modern era would rewrite this book. He would most likely be called a masogonist and a skitzophrenic. Anything else? Parts of this are hard reading. Solomon is admirable for his separation between man and music. I suspect none of this information would be new to anyone more steeply emersed in music history than I am. But it was a selection I chose to play for an introit based on the second movement of the seventh symphony that made me go back in my library and pick up this book again. I doubt I'll ever listen to any of his music again without adding my newly reaquired information. The portrait of the man and his music is both sympathetic and objective. The man is part product of his times, history, psychological makeup and raising. He is a contradiction in views and influences that are presented in this easy style. The musical explanations are full of terms which those not familiar with musical forms may find hard to follow. Certainly I would need to review my definitions though I can grasp them because of being familiar with the music. If you're looking for both kinds of information one could easily skip chapters and glean the information desired.
Apr 05, 2020 Helen rated it liked it
Deserves five stars for authority, but I gave it three overall because I found it rather a slow and ponderous read. Certainly Solomon did a comprehensive and to date definitive job but I think there is room for another biographer to continue work on the material of the composer's life and publish another more accessible work.
Not my favorite Beethoven biography. The author did his research, and I give him credit for (in my opinion) uncovering the Immortal Beloved mystery. I just was not into the authors psychoanalyzing Beethoven and quoting Freud to explain why Beethoven behaved the way he did. It felt more like an opinion, and that's not why I read a biography.
Reading this was like watching paint dry. No, watching paint is much more exciting. I didn't expect the book to be entertaining, just interesting. One star for existing, one star for informing. That's it. Reading this was like watching paint dry. No, watching paint is much more exciting. I didn't expect the book to be entertaining, just interesting. One star for existing, one star for informing. That's it. ...more
I reread this one every five years or so. The definitive biography of Beethoven.
Great bio, much better then the other Beethoven book I read. Very interested in his Mozart book too by him.
Jun 19, 2021 Darcy Stephens rated it really liked it
Very well written! I learned a lot about Beethoven from Solomon's book. Very well written! I learned a lot about Beethoven from Solomon's book. ...more
Mar 05, 2008
Julia rated it
it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: Anyone who loves classical music
425 pages with photos and illustrations of the city he grew up, the various cities and towns he lived and worked in as well as reliable accounts of his state of mind during his increasing loss of hearing, depression and ailment of his bowel, most likely due to ulcers from stress and lead poisoning. The book also describes his love of nature and how he based much of his music on birdsong, the sound of wind through trees, thunderstorms, and the lovliness of the seasons. Letters he wrote but never 425 pages with photos and illustrations of the city he grew up, the various cities and towns he lived and worked in as well as reliable accounts of his state of mind during his increasing loss of hearing, depression and ailment of his bowel, most likely due to ulcers from stress and lead poisoning. The book also describes his love of nature and how he based much of his music on birdsong, the sound of wind through trees, thunderstorms, and the lovliness of the seasons. Letters he wrote but never sent to his brothers and his "Immortal Beloved" are included. Extensive references not only to Beethoven's many compositions but to the composers he admired and studied under and who influenced him. A wonderful reference book for musicians and music lovers. ...more
First of all, if you want to read a book in a reasonable amount of time, do NOT fall in love shortly after starting the book!
As for the book itself, it is NOT for the casual reader. To fully appreciate it, you would have to be a composer and/or serious musician, or at least a hard-corps music aficionado. The book is quite pedantic at times, and resorts to some very bombastic prose in parts. And to add to the fun, there are many pages of highly speculative psychoanalysis of Beethoven, attempting First of all, if you want to read a book in a reasonable amount of time, do NOT fall in love shortly after starting the book!
As for the book itself, it is NOT for the casual reader. To fully appreciate it, you would have to be a composer and/or serious musician, or at least a hard-corps music aficionado. The book is quite pedantic at times, and resorts to some very bombastic prose in parts. And to add to the fun, there are many pages of highly speculative psychoanalysis of Beethoven, attempting to explain why he acted in certain ways during the course of his life.
But ... in spite of all this, I enjoyed the book and learned a great deal about Beethoven and his music. ...more
Nov 05, 2014 Evan rated it liked it
Solomon psychoanalyzes Beethoven. I'm buying it because documentation about the man is poor, and I find Solomon's extrapolations persuasive. At the same time, to repeat, documentation is poor, and the resulting gaps are unsatisfying. He takes a creditable stab at unmasking The Immortal Beloved via some fairly dazzling detective work. Beethoven was a genius, but hardly a hero. The way he treated his nephew was reprehensible, probably driving the poor guy to suicide. Honestly, though, it was prett Solomon psychoanalyzes Beethoven. I'm buying it because documentation about the man is poor, and I find Solomon's extrapolations persuasive. At the same time, to repeat, documentation is poor, and the resulting gaps are unsatisfying. He takes a creditable stab at unmasking The Immortal Beloved via some fairly dazzling detective work. Beethoven was a genius, but hardly a hero. The way he treated his nephew was reprehensible, probably driving the poor guy to suicide. Honestly, though, it was pretty dry. I ran out of steam and bailed 75 percent in... (To stick with my policy of no more reviews here, I have kept this short). ...more
Apr 20, 2009 Amy rated it really liked it
Since this is a rather scholarly biography, I can't use the same criterion when rating it that I used for most of the other books I've read recently. It wasn't gripping (obviously, since it took me almost two month to read). But it was interesting and very well-written and researched...which are musts when it comes to this type of book. I will admit to even being fascinated during a few of the chapters. A great study into the life and music of Beethoven. It brought back fun memories from Music 3 Since this is a rather scholarly biography, I can't use the same criterion when rating it that I used for most of the other books I've read recently. It wasn't gripping (obviously, since it took me almost two month to read). But it was interesting and very well-written and researched...which are musts when it comes to this type of book. I will admit to even being fascinated during a few of the chapters. A great study into the life and music of Beethoven. It brought back fun memories from Music 303! ...more
Aug 06, 2009 Linda rated it really liked it
Until I read this book, I thought that I might be more compatible, or like to date, Beethoven over Mozart. (I read Solomon's Mozart biography previously.) But after reading this, I don't think so. Wow, such brilliant music, and such a troubled mind. At least in terms of relationships. Interesting the way the author alternates chapters describing his life with those describing the music he wrote during those periods. Made me want to listen to all his music with the book in hand. Very well researc Until I read this book, I thought that I might be more compatible, or like to date, Beethoven over Mozart. (I read Solomon's Mozart biography previously.) But after reading this, I don't think so. Wow, such brilliant music, and such a troubled mind. At least in terms of relationships. Interesting the way the author alternates chapters describing his life with those describing the music he wrote during those periods. Made me want to listen to all his music with the book in hand. Very well researched it seems to me, and very enlightening about Beethoven. ...more
I liked finding out more detail about Beethoven's life than I had learned from some audio courses. Some of the technical music analysis was well beyond my expertise to comprehend. The psychoanalysis was presented as possible explanations or motivations but I wonder if it would be better to present the information and allow people to draw their own conclusions. I'm glad that I am not famous as I would be aghast that professionals would draw so many conclusions from what seems to be a small amoun I liked finding out more detail about Beethoven's life than I had learned from some audio courses. Some of the technical music analysis was well beyond my expertise to comprehend. The psychoanalysis was presented as possible explanations or motivations but I wonder if it would be better to present the information and allow people to draw their own conclusions. I'm glad that I am not famous as I would be aghast that professionals would draw so many conclusions from what seems to be a small amount of evidence. ...more
Apr 02, 2010 lysslyss rated it it was amazing
This is actually the updated version of the first Beethoven book I read. It's the one that "got me hooked" on classical music as well as the life and times and Beethoven and his contemporaries. The images were abundant, and the biography was thorough, well-written and absolutely captivating. I felt as if I knew the man. It's still my favorite biography on Beethoven, and I plan on reading it again. This is actually the updated version of the first Beethoven book I read. It's the one that "got me hooked" on classical music as well as the life and times and Beethoven and his contemporaries. The images were abundant, and the biography was thorough, well-written and absolutely captivating. I felt as if I knew the man. It's still my favorite biography on Beethoven, and I plan on reading it again. ...more
Oct 23, 2010 Noel rated it liked it
I can't comment on Solomon's historical/musical interpretation because I don't know much of Beethoven (or Classical music for that matter), but I appreciated how the story flowed.From what he presents, his research is conclusive, and gives the reader a precise image of Beethoven's, to the greatest extend possible. A quick easy read for the casual Beethoven fan who's not familiar with his musical compositions.
I can't comment on Solomon's historical/musical interpretation because I don't know much of Beethoven (or Classical music for that matter), but I appreciated how the story flowed.From what he presents, his research is conclusive, and gives the reader a precise image of Beethoven's, to the greatest extend possible. A quick easy read for the casual Beethoven fan who's not familiar with his musical compositions.
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